Badass bitters
Spokane, WA
Badass Bitters is a new endeavor put forth by Cocktail Historian and owner of Raising the Bar NW, Renee Cebula.
Renee is a storyteller – she frequently hosts tours, classes and special events that come with equal parts libations and education about the history of cocktails, and serves up world’s coolest antique cocktail glassware at shows and markets around the US. Badass Bitters allows people far and wide to learn more about the history of bitters, and try their hand mixing a batch at home.
For this project, Renee had a wonderful inspiration – an 1800’s Whiskey label she had sketched for general composition idea. Claireperk used a modernized palette inspired by a colorful Instagram post of paint swatches, vintage botanical libraries, hand-drawn flourishes and coupe glasses to bring her idea to life.
Badass Bitters is available online and comes in 5 delicious flavors.
Brand Identity / Logo
Color Selections
Typeface Selections